#62: Opening Ceremonies

Steve and Keith dust off the podcasting equipment to start another meaningless competition. The draft sheet can be seen here.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#57: Tamin’ and Namin’

Nintendo melts Kevin’s cold, cold heart with one of the best games we’ve played in a long, long time. We’re still  talking The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch, and post office shenanigans.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#56: First Joy-Contact

The bros spent Switchmas Day playing Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch, Super Bomberman R, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Keith and Steve struggle to stay awake as they give their first impressions of the games and system.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#27: Oscar Preview 2017

Here’s our 2017 Oscar preview. We discuss in detail the 9 best picture nominees, and we give our predictions, preferences, and snubs for some of the other main categories. Warning: Based on how drunk some of us got, you would think we were discussing the Golden Globes.

Subscribe to Subject to Change on iTunes and Google Play.

Retro Rehab: Chrono Trigger

What can I say about Chrono Trigger that hasn’t been said on one of the many podcasts on which its been brought up? I knew I had missed a lot by not owning an SNES as a kid, but I didn’t know I missed a game that would fundamentally change how I felt about an entire genre. It’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played, and I want more! And with that in mind, I’m now ready to proclaim that my next step in my rehab program  is Final Fantasy III (or VI, depending on how worldly you’re feeling).  Continue reading

#55: The Legend of Zeldacast Update

Originally released in March of 2015 as an episode of 3rd Party Support, this podcast is all about The Legend of Zelda. We share our thoughts on each main entry into the series, and we try to make sense of the nonsensical timeline. We’ve updated it for the new games that we’ve played in the 2 years since this podcast’s original release, but be warned that the audio quality is pretty crappy throughout. As always, blame Webber.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#24: Remember the Rumble

If you’re not fans of wrestling or incessant drafting, steer clear of this Subject to Change. Keith, Webber, Marissa, and Steve draft their teams for the January 29th, 2017 Royal Rumble. Keith hopes to defend Belt III, while the others try to unseat him.

Subscribe to Subject to Change on iTunes and Google Play.

#54: The Muscle Horse

Steve, Sween, and Keith unwind after a very stressful Game of the Year podcast. They cover their honorable mentions from 2016 as well as the best games they played in 2016 that released in previous years. Warning: this one’s an absolute mess.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#23: From Craig to Joe

We’re talking driverless cars aiming their car crashes in this week’s aimless car crash of a podcast. Our subjects this week: playoff sports, driverless car crashes, New Year’s resolutions, and regifting.

Subscribe to Subject to Change on iTunes and Google Play.

#51: Al Kaprielian

We make the questionable decision of speculating about the Nintendo Switch mere hours before Nintendo’s Switch presentation, and the not-so-questionable decision of talking about the national treasure that is Al Kaprielian.

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

#50: Three Men Sitting in Chairs

The bros have broken many promises, but not the promise they made for episode 50. For the first time ever, gametimebro has a video version of their gaming podcast. Feast your eyes on three men sitting in chairs for an hour.

If you you’d rather not stare at us for an hour, here’s the mp3 version:

Make sure to subscribe to Game Time Show, Bro on iTunes and Google Play.

Review: Ginger: Beyond the Crystal

From your first introduction to Ginger and the world he inhabits, it’s clear that Ginger: Beyond the Crystal draws heavy inspiration from some of the best 3D platformer franchises of all time. Staples of the genre like colorful environments, charming NPCs, and challenging platforming elements return, but so do tedious collect-a-thons, a barely-there story, a camera that proves very difficult to control, and a framerate that leaves a lot to be desired. With Ginger, Drakhar Studio did not improve on the formula established by the franchises that inspired it, and because of that, we’re left with a fun experience that feels distinctly dated. If you’re looking for a deep experience, look elsewhere, but if you’re looking for a fun way to satisfy your insatiable thirst for nostalgia until Yooka-Laylee comes out in March, Ginger: Beyond the Crystal does the trick nicely. Continue reading